Free Shape Gradients Made in Inkscape

Shape gradient mask transitions
Here are some shape gradients that I made while working on a transitions for a game. They are creative commons CC BY - which means you can distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon my work, even commercially, as long as you credit for the original creation.

If there is a shape gradient that you would like me to create or modify, please let me know.

I will also be posting this on the Renpy forums.

Heart Shaped Gradient - 100 frames

Distorted Star Gradient - 100 frames

Star Gradient 100 Frames

Heart shaped gradient Close
Heart Gradient 30 Frames

Heart shaped gradient close up 2

Heart shaped gradient close up 3
Heart Gradient 30 Frames Large start

Heart shaped gradient transistion mask
Heart Gradient 30 Frames Far

Heart Shaped Gradient Mask Transition

Star Shaped Gradient Mask Transition
Star Gradient 30 Frames

Star Shaped Gradient Mask Transition 2
Star Gradient 30 Frames

Star Gradient 30 Frames Portrait

Heart shaped gradient
Heart Gradient 100 Frames smooth

Star gradient portrait
Distorted Star Gradient 100 Frames

Star Gradient Portrait
Portrait Star Gradient - 100 Frames